
戒菸工具包Quitting Toolkit


  1. 拖延:在與菸癮妥協之前,盡可能拖延。
  2. 深呼吸:深呼吸十次來放鬆自己,直到想抽菸的衝動結束。
  3. 喝水:喝水是一種健康替代抽菸的方案。
  4. 做其它事來轉移:沖澡、閱讀、散步、聽音樂。


Quick tips to curb your cravings: 

  1. Delay: Delay as long as you can before giving in to your urge.
  2. Deep breathing: Take 10 deep breaths to relax yourself from within until the urge passes.
  3. Drink water: Drinking water is a healthy alternative to sticking a cigarette in your mouth.
  4. Do something else to distract yourself: Take a shower, read, go for a walk, listen to music!

There are many resources within your own community. Find out if your healthcare providers, Quit line Counsellors, mCessation programmes are available to support you in your journey to quit.


原文來源:Quitting Toolkit