


Tobacco causes 8 million deaths every year. When evidence was released this year that smokers were more likely to develop severe disease with COVID-19 compared to non-smokers, it triggered millions of smokers to want to quit tobacco. Quitting can be challenging, especially with the added social and economic stress that have come as a result of the pandemic, but there are a lot of reasons to quit.

The benefits of quitting tobacco are almost immediate. After just 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your heart rate drops. Within 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. Within 2-12 weeks, your circulation improves and lung function increases. Within 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breath decrease. Within 5-15 years, your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker. Within 10 years, your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker. Within 15 years, your risk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker. If that’s not enough here are a few more reasons!

  1. 吸菸者有較高的風險成為COVID-19的嚴重及死亡個案。(Smokers have a greater risk of developing a severe case and dying from COVID-19.)


  1. 每樣東西都會散發異味,從你的皮膚、住家、衣衫、手指和呼吸。(Everything stinks! From your skin, to your whole house, your clothes, and your fingers and breath.)
  1. 吸菸會導致牙齒變黃與增加牙菌斑。(Tobacco causes teeth to yellow and creates excess dental plaque.)
  1. 不論使用菸草或無煙菸草均會造成口臭。(Smoking tobacco and the use of smokeless tobacco cause bad breath.)
  1. 吸菸會導致皮膚產生皺紋、看起來更快老化,因為吸菸會加速蛋白質(與皮膚彈性有關)流失、消耗皮膚的維他命A、限縮血流循環,而使皮膚提早老化。(Tobacco makes your skin wrinkly, making you look older faster. Smoking prematurely ages the skin by wearing away proteins that give the skin elasticity, depleting it of vitamin A and restricting blood flow.)
  1. 吸菸導致皮膚產生皺紋,尤其是嘴唇跟眼睛附近,同時也會造成皮膚粗糙與乾燥。(These wrinkles are more apparent around the lips and eyes and tobacco also makes skin leathery and dry.)
  1. 吸菸會增加乾癬風險,乾癬是非接觸傳染的一種皮膚發炎,會導致全身皮膚癢、滲出紅斑。(Tobacco smoking increases the risk of developing psoriasis, a noncontagious inflammatory skin condition that leaves itchy, oozing red patches all over the body.)


  1. 每年有上百萬人因暴露二手菸而死亡。(Over 1 million people die every year from exposure to second-hand smoke.)
  1. 暴露於二手菸的非吸菸者有罹患肺癌風險。(Non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are at risk of developing lung cancer.)
  1. 吸菸是引起意外火災導致死亡的重要因素。(Cigarettes remain an important cause of accidental fires and resulting deaths.)
  1. 電子煙也會導致非吸菸者及周遭人暴露於尼古丁與其他有害化學物質。(E-cigarettes also expose non-smokers and bystanders to nicotine and other harmful chemicals.)
  1. 暴露於二手菸可能會增加從潛伏感染惡化為開放性結核病的風險。(Being exposed to second-hand smoke may increase the risk of progression from tuberculosis infection to active disease.)
  1. 暴露於二手菸增加罹患第二型糖尿病風險。(Being exposed to second-hand smoke is associated with type 2 diabetes.)

在兒童旁吸菸或使用電子煙會危及其健康與安全(Smoking or using e-cigarettes around children compromises their health and safety)

  1. 吸菸者的孩子會遭受肺部功能下降,且在其成年後持續受所導致的慢性呼吸系統疾病的影響。(Smokers’ children suffer reduced lung function, which continues to affect them in the form of chronic respiratory disorders in adulthood.)
  1. 兒童暴露於電子煙液中會造成嚴重風險,包括設備滲漏或兒童誤吞電子煙液。(Exposure of children to e-cigarette liquid continues to pose serious risks. There is a risk of the devices leaking, or of children swallowing the liquid.)
  1. 目前已經有一些已知的使用電子煙導致的嚴重傷害,包括燃燒、起火、爆炸。(E-cigarettes have been known to cause serious injuries, including burns, through fires and explosions.)
  1. 學齡兒童暴露於二手菸也可能增加氣喘風險。(School-aged children exposed to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke are also at risk for asthma through inflammation of the airways to the lungs.)
  1. 兩歲以下兒童在家中暴露於家庭二手菸可能會導致中耳疾病,進而可能導致聽力受損。(Children under 2 years of age who are exposed to second-hand smoke in the home could get middle-ear disease possibly leading to hearing loss and deafness.)
  1. 戒菸可降低許多兒童因二手菸暴露導致的疾病風險,例如呼吸道疾病(氣喘)跟耳部感染。(Quitting smoking decreases the risk of many diseases related to second-hand smoke in children, such as respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma) and ear infections.)


  1. 你會想當孩子、朋友與親密伴侶的好榜樣。(You want to be a good example for your kids, friends, and loved ones.)
  1. 吸菸有礙於社交互動與社會關係。(Tobacco use can affect social interactions and relationships negatively.)
  1. 戒菸意味著你將不會受限於可以去哪裡:你可以參加社交活動且不會感到被孤立或必須要出去吸菸。(Quitting means there are no restrictions on where you can go – you can mingle socially, without feeling isolated or having to go outside to smoke.)
  1. 戒菸可以讓你更有生產力:你不會因為要吸菸而一直停下手邊正在做的事情。(Quitting can make you more productive – you won’t have to stop what you are doing to have a smoke all the time.)


  1. 有研究指出,吸菸者平均會花140萬美金於個人花費,包括購買紙菸、醫療花費,以及因為吸菸跟二手菸暴露所導致的低薪。(One study found that smokers burn through an average of $1.4 million in personal costs, includes spending on cigarettes, medical costs and lower wages brought on by smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.)
  1. 吸菸會影響工作者的健康與生產力,使他們易於錯失工作日。(Tobacco use affects the health and productivity of workers making them prone to missed days at work.)
  1. 吸菸會加劇貧窮:將家庭支出從基本需求(如食物與住所)轉移至菸品。(Tobacco use contributes to poverty by diverting household spending from basic needs such as food and shelter to tobacco.)
  1. 吸菸造成全球經濟負擔,估計有4兆美金的醫療花費用於治療因菸害導致的疾病,以及可歸因於菸之疾病與死亡的人力資本損失。(Tobacco use burdens the global economy with an estimated US$ 1.4 trillion in healthcare costs for treating the diseases caused by tobacco and lost human capital from tobacco-attributable sickness and death.)


  1. 吸菸者較易有不孕症情形。戒菸可降低不易受孕、早產、低出生體重、流產等風險。(Smokers are more likely to experience infertility. Quitting smoking reduces difficulty getting pregnant, having premature births, babies with low birth weights and miscarriage.)
  1. 吸菸會導致勃起功能障礙。吸菸限制血流進入陰莖造成無法正常勃起功能。勃起功能障礙常見於吸菸者,且若未早點戒菸,將很可能會持續或永久性障礙。(Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction. Smoking restricts blood flow to the penis creating an inability to achieve an erection. Erectile dysfunction is more common in smokers and very likely to persist or become permanent unless the man stops smoking early in life.)
  1. 吸菸會降低男性精子品質與數量。(Smoking also diminishes sperm count, motility and shape of the sperm in men.)


  1. 每年可歸因於菸草的死亡人數超過八百萬人。(Every year, over 8 million people die from tobacco.)
  1. 菸品造成一半的吸菸者死亡。使用任何形式的菸品均會損害個人健康、導致罹患疾病。(Tobacco kills half of its users. Use of tobacco in any form robs you of your health and causes debilitating diseases.)
  1. 水煙跟其他菸品一樣有害。(Smoking shisha is just as harmful as other forms of tobacco use.)
  1. 嚼菸會導致口腔癌、掉牙、牙齒變黃褐色、口腔白斑跟牙齦疾病。(Chewing tobacco can cause mouth cancer, tooth loss, brown teeth, white patches and gum disease. )
  1. 相較於紙菸,無煙菸草的尼古丁更易被吸收而使人上癮。(The nicotine in smokeless tobacco is more easily absorbed than by smoking cigarettes enhancing its addictiveness.)


  1. 菸農因透過皮膚吸收尼古丁及接觸大量農藥、菸草粉塵而導致健康不良。(Tobacco growers are exposed to ill health by nicotine that is absorbed through the skin, as well as exposure to heavy pesticides and exposure to tobacco dust.)
  1. 某些國家的兒童會受僱於菸草種植,進而影響其健康與求學。(In some countries, children are employed in tobacco farming, which impacts not only their health, but also their ability to attend school.)
  1. 使用菸草產品會惡化貧窮。因吸菸者有較高罹癌風險、心臟病發、呼吸道疾病或其他菸草引起的相關疾病,以致家庭喪失收入、增加額外健康照顧支出。(Tobacco use can worsen poverty since tobacco users are at much higher risk of falling ill and dying prematurely of cancers, heart attacks, respiratory diseases or other tobacco-related diseases, depriving families of much-needed income and imposing additional costs for health care.)
  1. 整體菸草產業絕大多數受僱者的收入很少,但大型菸草公司獲取龐大利潤。(The vast majority employed in the overall tobacco sector earn very little, while the big tobacco companies reap enormous profits.)


  1. 加熱菸的使用者暴露於會致癌的有毒氣體。(Heated tobacco products (HTPs) expose users to toxic emissions many of which can cause cancer.)
  1. 加熱菸也是菸:「從吸傳統紙菸換成加熱菸」不等於「戒菸」。(Heated tobacco products are themselves tobacco products, therefore, switching from conventional tobacco products to HTPs does not equal quitting.)
  1. 沒有足夠證據可支持「相較於傳統紙菸,加熱菸危害較少」的論調。(There is insufficient evidence to support the claim that heated tobacco products (HTPs) are less harmful relative to conventional cigarettes.)


  1. 電子煙是青少年使用紙菸的入門磚:使用電子煙的兒童與青少年有較高(兩倍)的未來吸紙菸風險。(Children and adolescents who use e-cigarettes at least double their chance of smoking cigarettes later in life.)
  1. 使用電子煙會增加心臟與肺部疾病風險。(E-cigarette use increases your risk of heart disease and lung disorders.)
  1. 電子煙中的尼古丁是一種高度成癮的藥物,將會損害兒童發育中的大腦。(Nicotine in e-cigarettes is a highly addictive drug that can damage children’s developing brains.)


  1. 全球約25%的癌症死亡原因可歸因於菸草使用。(Tobacco use is responsible for 25% of all cancer deaths globally.)
  1. 相較於非吸菸者,吸菸者有高達22倍的風險會罹患肺癌。吸菸是罹患肺癌的主因,導致全球有超過2/3的肺癌死亡。(Smokers are up to 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer in their lifetime than non-smokers. Tobacco smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, causing over two thirds of lung cancer deaths globally.)
  1. 每五個吸菸者中就會有一位會罹患慢性阻塞性肺部疾病,尤其是那些從兒童或青少年時期就開始吸菸者,因為吸菸會顯著降低肺部發展。(One in five tobacco smokers will develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in their lifetime, especially people who start smoking during their childhood and teenage years, since tobacco smoke significantly slows lung growth and development.)
  1. 吸菸將會惡化成人氣喘:造成行動限制、障礙及急性氣喘發作風險。(Smoking can exacerbate asthma in adults, restricting their activity, contributing to disability and increasing the risk of severe asthma attacks requiring emergency care.)
  1. 吸菸會提高結核病從潛伏狀態轉變為活躍狀態的風險一倍以上,並會惡化該疾病的自然發展。(全球約有四分之一的人口患有潛伏性結核病)(Tobacco smoking more than doubles the risk of transforming tuberculosis from a latent state to an active state, and is also known to worsen the natural progression of the disease. About one quarter of the world’s population has latent tuberculosis.)


  1. 每天只抽幾支菸、偶爾抽菸或暴露於二手菸環境下均會增加心臟疾病罹患之風險。(Just a few cigarettes a day, occasional smoking, or exposure to second-hand smoke increase the risk of heart disease.)
  1. 吸菸者有兩倍的罹患中風風險、四倍的罹患心臟疾病風險。(Tobacco smokers have up to twice the risk of stroke and a fourfold increased risk of heart disease.)
  1. 吸菸有害心臟動脈,會造成斑塊、凝血塊,進而阻礙血流,最終導致心臟病發與中風。(Tobacco smoke damages the arteries of the heart, causing the build-up of plaque and development of blood clots, thereby restricting blood flow and eventually leading to heart attacks and strokes.)
  1. 使用尼古丁與菸草產品會增加心血管疾病風險。(Use of nicotine and tobacco products increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.)


  1. 吸菸或使用無煙菸品會導致口腔癌,唇癌,咽喉(咽和喉)和食道癌。(Smoking and smokeless tobacco use cause oral cancer, cancers of the lips, throat (pharynx and larynx) and oesophagus.)
  1. 手術切除喉癌將導致有氣管切開術的需求。(氣管切開術是在頸部跟氣管開口,使病患可以呼吸。)(Surgical removal of the cancerous larynx can lead to the need for tracheostomy, the creation of a hole in the neck and windpipe that allows the patient to breathe.)
  1. 吸菸者有顯著較高罹患急性骨髓性白血病、鼻癌、鼻竇癌、結腸直腸癌、腎癌、肝癌、胰臟癌、胃癌、卵巢癌、下泌尿道癌(包括膀胱癌、輸尿管癌、腎盂癌)風險。(Smokers are at a significantly higher risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia; cancer of the nasal and paranasal sinus cavities; colorectal, kidney, liver, pancreatic, stomach or ovarian cancer; and cancer of the lower urinary tract (including the bladder, ureter and renal pelvis).)
  1. 有些研究指出,吸菸增加罹患乳癌風險,尤其是那些重度吸菸者和初次懷孕前開始吸菸的女性。(Some studies have also demonstrated a link between tobacco smoking and an increased risk of breast cancer, particularly among heavy smokers and women who start smoking before their first pregnancy.)
  1. 吸菸增加感染人類乳頭瘤病毒的女性罹患子宮頸癌的風險。(Smoking is also known to increase the risk of cervical cancer in women infected with human papillomavirus.)


  1. 吸菸會導致許多眼部疾病,若未及時治療將可能導致永久性視力喪失。(Smoking causes many eye diseases which, if left untreated, can lead to permanent vision loss.)
  1. 相較於不吸菸者,吸菸者有較高的老年性黃斑部病變風險:老年性黃斑部病變會導致不可逆的視力喪失。(Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop age-related macular degeneration, a condition that results in irreversible vision loss.)
  1. 吸菸者有較高罹患白內障的風險:白內障會使眼睛水晶體混濁,進而擋住光線。白內障會導致視力受損,手術是恢復視力的唯一選擇。(Smokers also have a higher risk of cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens that blocks light. Cataracts cause vision impairment, and surgery is the only option to restore vision.)
  1. 有些證據顯示吸菸會導致青光眼:青光眼會增加眼壓、損害視力。(Some evidence suggests that smoking also causes glaucoma, a condition that increases pressure in the eye and can damage eyesight.)
  1. 成年吸菸者有較高失聰風險。(Adult smokers are more likely to suffer hearing loss.)


  1. 終生吸菸者之壽命,平均來說至少損失10年。(Lifelong tobacco smokers lose at least 10 years of life on average.)
  1. 每吸一口菸,有毒跟致癌物質會伴隨進入身體,其中有至少70種物質已知會致癌。(With every puff of a cigarette, toxins and carcinogens are delivered to the body, at least 70 of the chemicals are known to cause cancer.)
  1. 吸菸者有較高罹患糖尿病風險。(The risk of developing diabetes is higher in smokers.)
  1. 吸菸是失智症的風險因子,失智症是種心智衰退的疾病。(Smoking is a risk factor for dementia, a group of disorders that result in mental decline.)
  1. 阿茲海默症是常見的失智症類型,全球有14%的阿茲海默症可歸因於吸菸。(Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, and an estimated 14% of Alzheimer’s cases globally can be attributed to smoking.)
  1. 吸菸的女性較易經歷經痛、嚴重更年期症狀。(Women who smoke are more likely to experience painful menstruation and more severe menopausal symptoms.)
  1. 吸菸女性的更年期會提早1~4年:因為吸菸會導致減少卵子產生,繼而導致喪失生殖功能喪失與後續的低雌激素。(Menopause occurs 1–4 years earlier in female smokers because smoking reduces the production of eggs in the ovaries, resulting in a loss of reproductive function and subsequent low estrogen levels.)
  1. 使用菸品會降低運輸到身體組織的氧氣。(Tobacco smoke reduces the delivery of oxygen to the body’s tissues.)
  1. 使用菸品會造成血液流動受限,若未及時治療,將可能導致壞疽(身體組織死亡)和患處截肢。(Tobacco use restricts blood flow which, if left untreated, can lead to gangrene (death of body tissue) and amputation of affected areas.)


  1. 吸菸會增加牙周病風險:牙周病是一種慢性發炎疾病,會毀壞牙齦與顎骨,進而導致牙齒脫落。(Tobacco use increases the risk of periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory disease that wears away at the gums and destroys the jawbone, leading to tooth loss.)
  1. 相較於非吸菸者,吸菸者有顯著較高的手術後併發症風險。(Tobacco smokers are at significantly higher risk than non-smokers for post-surgical complications.)
  1. 吸菸者較難脫離呼吸輔助機器,這將延長其在加護病房與整體住院時間,進而暴露於感染風險。(Tobacco smokers are harder to wean off mechanical ventilation. This often lengthens their intensive care unit (ICU) and overall hospital stay, potentially exposing them to other infection.)
  1. 吸菸者較易有消化道疾病,例如:胃潰瘍、發炎性腸道疾病、腹痛、持續性腹瀉、發燒、直腸出血、胃腸道癌症。(Smokers are likely to experience gastrointestinal disorders, such as stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, associated with abdominal cramps, persistent diarrhea, fever and rectal bleeding, and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.)
  1. 吸菸者較易骨密度下降、骨折,以及嚴重併發症(例如:延遲康復、無法痊癒)。(Smokers are more likely to lose bone density, fracture more easily and experience serious complications, such as delayed healing or failure to heal.)
  1. 菸草製品內的成分會削弱免疫系統,使吸菸者暴露於肺部感染風險。(Components of tobacco smoke weaken the immune system, putting smokers at risk of pulmonary infections.)
  1. 具有自體免疫疾病遺傳傾向的吸菸者有較高的類風濕性關節炎、克隆氏症、細菌性腦膜炎、術後感染、癌症風險。(Smokers with a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disorders are at an increased risk of several diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, bacterial meningitis, postsurgical infection, and cancers.)
  1. 吸菸會使免疫力低下者(如:罹患囊腫性纖維化、多發性硬化症或癌症者)有較高的疾病相關併發症及早逝之風險。(Smoking also puts immune-compromised individuals, such as those living with cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis or cancer, at a higher risk of disease-related comorbidities and premature death.)
  1. 菸品的免疫抑制效果會使後天免疫缺乏症候群患者有較高的風險感染人類免疫缺乏病毒(愛滋病毒)。患有人類免疫缺乏病毒(愛滋病毒)的吸菸者,平均會減少3年壽命,其減少的壽命是患有愛滋病毒但未吸菸者所減少壽命的兩倍。(The immunosuppressive effects of tobacco put people living with HIV at an increased risk of developing AIDS. Among HIV-positive smokers, the average length of life lost is 12.3 years, more than double the number of years lost by HIV-positive non-smokers.)


  1. 孕婦使用菸品和暴露於菸草環境中,會增加胎兒死亡風險。(Tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy increase the risk for fetal death.)
  1. 孕婦若使用菸品或暴露於二手菸,會增加流產風險。(Women who smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy are at an increased risk of miscarriage.)
  1. 菸品(包括紙菸與無煙菸品)中的尼古丁及菸品產生的煙霧中的一氧化碳會引起胎兒缺氧跟異常胎盤,進而造成死胎風險。(Stillbirths (the delivery of fetuses that have died in the womb) are also more common owing to fetal oxygen deprivation and placental abnormalities induced by carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke and by nicotine in tobacco smoke and smokeless tobacco.)
  1. 吸菸者有較高子宮外孕的可能性,這對母親而言有致命性併發症的潛在風險。(Smokers are at higher risk of ectopic pregnancy, a potentially fatal complication for the mother in which the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus.)
  1. 生育年齡婦女若有計畫懷孕或正在懷孕中,戒菸及避免二手菸暴露是非常重要的。(Smoking cessation and protection from exposure to second-hand smoke are especially important for women of reproductive age planning to become pregnant and during pregnancy.)
  1. 使用電子煙的孕婦有顯著風險,因電子煙會危害成長中胎兒。(E-cigarettes pose significant risks to pregnant women who use them, as they can damage the growing fetus.)
  1. 懷孕期間使用菸品(包括紙菸與無煙菸品)、暴露於二手菸的孕婦有較高的風險早產或生下低出生體重嬰兒。(Infants born to women who smoke, use smokeless tobacco, or are exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy have a higher risk of preterm birth and low birthweight.)


  1. 中央與地方政府均會為清理菸草垃圾付出成本,而非菸草公司自行負擔。戒菸有助於保護環境。(Governments and local authorities pay to clean up tobacco waste, not the tobacco companies themselves. Quit tobacco to protect the environment.)
  1. 菸蒂是全球最常見的廢棄物,也是在全球沙灘跟海域最常見的垃圾。(Cigarette butts are among the most commonly discarded piece of waste globally and are the most frequent item of litter picked up on beaches and water edges worldwide.)
  1. 菸蒂中可驗出的有害物質(包括砷、鉛、尼古丁與甲醛)將會進入到水生環境與土壤中。(Hazardous substances have been identified in cigarette butts – including arsenic, lead, nicotine and formaldehyde. These substances are leached from discarded butts into aquatic environments and soil.)
  1. 吸菸產生的煙霧會顯著提高城市內的空氣污染程度。(Tobacco smoke can measurably contribute to air pollution levels in a city.)
  1. 大多數紙菸是用火柴或(丁烷)打火機點燃的。例如,如果用一根火柴來點燃兩根菸,那麼以每年全球消耗的六兆支菸來估算,將需要破壞約900萬棵樹來生產三兆支火柴。(Most cigarettes are lit using matches or gas-filled lighters. If, for example, one wooden match is used to light two cigarettes, the six trillion cigarettes smoked globally each year would require the destruction of about nine million trees to produce three trillion matches.)
  1. 電子煙和加熱菸可能包含需要特殊配置的電池、化學藥品、包裝和其他不可生物分解的材料。(E-cigarettes and heated tobacco products may contain batteries that require special disposal as well as chemicals, packaging and other non-biodegradable materials.)
  1. 目前大多數塑膠材質的電子煙液包裝盒是無法被重複使用或回收使用,跨國公司傾向販售一次性產品,大概是為了透過回頭客增加銷售量。(Currently, the majority of plastic e-cigarette liquid cartridges are not reusable or recyclable – transnational companies tend to sell disposable ones, presumably to boost sales via repeat customers.) 
  1. 菸品排放量大概等同於三百萬趟的橫越大西洋飛行。(Tobacco production emissions are estimated to equate 3 million transatlantic flights.)
  1. 菸品產生的煙霧包含三種溫室氣體:二氧化碳、甲烷和一氧化二氮,並且會污染室內和室外環境。(Tobacco smoke contains three kinds of greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides and pollutes indoor and outdoor environments.)
  1. 每年全球約有20萬公頃土地用於菸草的種植與燻製。(Worldwide, approximately 200 000 hectares are for tobacco agriculture and curing each year.)
  1. 為種植菸草而砍伐森林會帶來許多嚴重的環境影響,包括喪失生物多樣性、土壤侵蝕和損害、水污染以及增加大氣二氧化碳濃度。(Deforestation for tobacco growing has many serious environmental consequences – including loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and degradation, water pollution and increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide.)
  1. 種植菸草時通常會使用大量的化學物質,包括殺蟲劑、肥料、生長調節劑。這些化學物質可能會由種植區域內影響到飲用水源。(Tobacco growing usually involves substantial use of chemicals – including pesticides, fertilizers and growth regulators. These chemicals may affect drinking water sources as a result of run-off from tobacco growing areas.)
  1. 菸草的種植會造成大量樹木損失:每生產300支菸(約5箱)就需要砍一棵樹來種植菸葉。(For every 300 cigarettes produced (roughly 1.5 cartons), one tree is required to cure the tobacco leaf alone.)
  1. 每年約生產六兆支紙菸,所以約會製造出三千億個菸盒(假設每盒20支菸)。假設每個空盒約6克,相當於180萬噸包裝廢料,包括紙、墨水、玻璃紙、鋁箔、膠水。這些用以分配與包裝的紙箱與紙盒將帶來每年固體廢棄物總量達至少200萬噸。(With 6 trillion cigarettes manufactured annually, about 300 billion packages (assuming 20 cigarettes per pack) are made for tobacco products. Assuming each empty pack weighs about six grams, this amounts to about 1 800 000 tonnes of packaging waste, composed of paper, ink, cellophane, foil and glue. The waste from cartons and boxes used for distribution and packing brings the total annual solid post-consumption waste to at least 2 000 000 tonnes.)

原文來源:More than 100 reasons to quit tobacco