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二手菸危害比以前所知更多( 聯合晚報 )

發佈日期: 2012-06-25

People regularly exposed to secondhand smoke may have increased risks of dying from strokes and emphysema as well as from heart disease and lung cancer, according to a study from China.

A number of studies have found that non-smokers who regularly breathe in other people’s tobacco smoke have an increased risk of developing heart disease or certain cancer, but the links to strokes and emphysema have been relatively weaker.

The findings, which appeared in the medical journal Chest, cannot definitively prove that secondhand smoke is the culprit, but the researchers were able to account for some other key factors, such as a person’s age, education, job, and blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The findings are based on 910 adults who wew followed over 17 years. The risks of death from heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and emphysema were all two to there times higher among people exposed to secondhand smole.
