胃幽門螺旋桿菌篩檢指引_英文民眾版 The Taiwan Guideline for Screening and Eradication of HP Infection for Gastric Cancer Prevention (General)
- 登錄號:22289
- 宣導品種類:手冊
- 發佈日期:2022-09-23
- 發行單位:國民健康署
- 作者:癌症防治組
- 關鍵字:
#.Gasteric cancer prevention
#Guideline for Screening of HP
#Guideline for HP Treatment
- 內容: In order to let people understand the causal relationship between H. pylori and gastric cancer, as well as the various problems that may be faced in the process of screening and eradication of H. pylori for gastric cancer prevention, the Health Promotion Administration commissioned the Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan to develop this guideline based on the most up-to-date research evidence. This guideline will help you to further understand the impact of H. pylori on gastric cancer and understand relevant information.
- 登錄號:22289
- 宣導品種類:手冊
- 發佈日期:2022-09-23
- 發行單位:國民健康署
- 作者:癌症防治組
- 關鍵字: #.Gasteric cancer prevention #Guideline for Screening of HP #Guideline for HP Treatment
- 內容: In order to let people understand the causal relationship between H. pylori and gastric cancer, as well as the various problems that may be faced in the process of screening and eradication of H. pylori for gastric cancer prevention, the Health Promotion Administration commissioned the Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan to develop this guideline based on the most up-to-date research evidence. This guideline will help you to further understand the impact of H. pylori on gastric cancer and understand relevant information.
- 授權條款: