
兒童健康手冊(印文版)(出版年月:109年9月) / Buku Panduan Kesehatan Anak / Children Health Handbook(Indonesian version)


  • 登錄號:22216
  • 宣導品種類:手冊
  • 發佈日期:2021-09-16
  • 發行單位:國民健康署
  • 作者:婦幼健康組
  • 關鍵字: #兒童健康 #預防接種 #健康檢查 #健康手冊 #兒童
  • 內容: 每個寶寶出生都有一本專屬的兒童健康手冊,為了協助您在育兒道路上掌握寶貝的健康狀況,衛生福利部國民健康署匯集許多兒科醫師及專家的意見編製,除了預防接種與健康檢查之重要記錄,並提供許多重要保健知識,是您最便利的工具書。 Every baby has a personalized Children Health Handbook when they are born. In order to assist you on the path of parenting and to know your babys health status, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare has compiled this handbook with the help of pediatricians and experts. In addition to vaccinations and important health check-up records, this handbook also provides important healthcare information. It is your most convenient reference book.
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