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心跳暫停九分鐘 老菸槍戒了( Taipei Times )

發佈日期: 2015-05-18

Fifty-eight year old Liu Kun-shan has smoked cigarettes for over 30 years. Last month, suffering from acute chest pain, Liu went to a medical clinic for a check-up where it was discovered he had symptoms of a heart attack. Liu was immediately transferred to Yuanlin townships Veterans General Hospital. Lius heart unexpectedly stopped beating two minutes prior to his arrival at the hospital. Unable to breathe and having lost all signs of life, it took three instances of CPR before a faint heart beat was recovered. Liu was wheeled into surgery for balloon dilatation and vascular stenting operations. In the end, Liu was spared from a meeting with the Grim Reaper.
Liu says that for the past 30 years he smoked a packet of cigarettes every day. His family were always nagging him, but Liu didnt take them seriously up until this incident took place and he realized thatits good to be alive.” Ever since then, Liu hasnt dared to touch another cigarette.
According to one of the doctors, many patients mistake acute chest pain to have been caused by smoking too many cigarettes. In actual fact, it is a classic symptom of coronary artery occlusion. If the arteries have become narrowed and there is platelet aggregation and blood clotting, it will lead to a heart attack. In approximately 50 percent of patients it will set off an irregular heartbeat, resulting in an very high probability of death. Therefore, it is crucial to receive prompt medical treatment.
