- 登錄號:12633
- 宣導品種類:其他
- 發佈日期:2021-07-16
- 發行單位:國民健康署
- 作者:菸害防制組
- 關鍵字:
- 內容: 後疫情時代校園菸害防制之推動與落實/國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系張鳳琴 教授In March, as the global pandemic hit New York, my
colleague Kat Moon decided–wisely, it turned out,
given what was ahead for the U.S.–to decamp to her
childhood home, Taipei. Despite its proximity to
mainland China, where the outbreak originated,
Taiwan has seen only 495 cases and seven deaths
among its more than 23 million people, making its
response to the coronavirus one of the most
successful in the world. So successful, in fact, that last
month it was able to host one of the largest public
gatherings reported since social distancing began: a
10,000-person live arena concert, which Moon and
photographer An Rong Xu attended and covered for
TIME. As one U.S. reader put it on Twitter, “An arena
concert taking place with corona restrictions honestly
seems like it’s happening on another planet
considering what’s going on here in the U.S.”
- 登錄號:12633
- 宣導品種類:其他
- 發佈日期:2021-07-16
- 發行單位:國民健康署
- 作者:菸害防制組
- 關鍵字: #菸害防制 #校園 #年輕族群 #電子菸 #電子煙
- 內容: 後疫情時代校園菸害防制之推動與落實/國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系張鳳琴 教授In March, as the global pandemic hit New York, my colleague Kat Moon decided–wisely, it turned out, given what was ahead for the U.S.–to decamp to her childhood home, Taipei. Despite its proximity to mainland China, where the outbreak originated, Taiwan has seen only 495 cases and seven deaths among its more than 23 million people, making its response to the coronavirus one of the most successful in the world. So successful, in fact, that last month it was able to host one of the largest public gatherings reported since social distancing began: a 10,000-person live arena concert, which Moon and photographer An Rong Xu attended and covered for TIME. As one U.S. reader put it on Twitter, “An arena concert taking place with corona restrictions honestly seems like it’s happening on another planet considering what’s going on here in the U.S.”