
糖尿病與我 Diabetes and Me

  • 登錄號:22079
  • 宣導品種類:手冊
  • 發佈日期:2022-09-02
  • 發行單位:國民健康署
  • 作者:慢性疾病防治組
  • 關鍵字: #糖尿病 #保健常識
  • 內容: This handbook, “Diabetes and Me (Republished in January, 2022)” is a learning material designed for diabetic patients and the high -risk populations, which explained the profound topics in a simple way. Diabetic patients need to maintain good self-management in all aspects of their disease conditions to prevent complications, including body weight and dietary controls, exercise, taking medicine on time, monitoring blood glucose level regularly and active cooperation with doctors, nurses, nutritionists in the shared-care team.
  • 授權條款: 創用 CC 授權條款